Tuesday 16 June 2009

Prince gets rogered

Prince Charles has voiced his opinion over a building in Chelsea (on the Old Chelsea Barracks site) and now the Architect (Lord Rogers) is asking for a constitutional review.

What is wrong here? That fact that Prince Charles voiced an opinion! Surly he has the right to express an opinion. What is wrong is if the Qatari owners have canned the building just because the opinion came from Prince Charles. Apparently most of the local residence objected to the building as being out of character with the surroundings too.

Rogers said on the BBC Radio 4 that he had a letter from the Royal Hospital (Chelsea Pensioners Hospital) stating that they didn’t object. Clearly Lord Rogers values the Royal Hospitals opinion over local residence. As he seems free to give different weight depending on the source of the opionin why does he object if the Qatari owners do likewise.

If this out of touch architect thinks we need a constitutional review because of this, it really demonstrates how the elite of the UK are full of their own self importance. Why is he not calling for a constitutional review of how the police are able to use anti terrorist laws to curb the justified actions of UK citizens. Why is he not calling for the prosecution of fraudulent MPs.

Get you head out of your arse Rogers and smell the real shit that is wrong with the country.

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