Sunday 6 September 2009

Sod the USA and sod the Libyans

Where was the Lockerbie bomb crime committed? When the bomb was planted or the bomb exploded? Would it have been less of a crime if the bomb had not gone off? The powers that be decided that the crime was when the bomb went off! They were more than happy for the trial to take place under Scottish law. This prevented the US or the UK from having to lock any criminals up. Locking terrorists up could make that country a target of any follow-up terrorist activity to release Mr Megrahi.

Regardless of any ulterior motive of the UK, US or Libyan government have for being upset or pleased about the decision the Scottish applied “their” law. Some countries may chose to judge other countries’ laws and say that the hanging, or stoning, of adulterous women is barbaric, or that chopping the hands of thieves off, or killing a murderer by lethal injection, or electrocution etc, is uncivilised. However, I don’t see the US taking much notice of external condemnation of their questionable laws.

The Scots have in their law the notion of compassion. No one seems to be saying that this is a bad thing, just that in this case they shouldn’t have applied it.


The law is the law and nobody should be above it, or beneath it. The decision was the right decision, made for the right reasons.

I honestly wish that US and UK had the moral fibre to stick to the principles. Maybe some need to change, but pretending to have one set and applying another, destroys the trust of the world’s citizens. Something Scotland didn’t do.

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