Wednesday 27 August 2014

BBC horizon -allergies - modern life and me

I watched this programme with some disappointment. The  hypothesis put forward was that allergies were due to a lack of exposure to microbes. The comparison was made between a tribe in Africa and someone living in a developed country, with all the sterilisisation, hand washing etc. The theory we lack of exposure to "friendly" bacteria, ment that our immune system diidn't develope sufficiently to protect us from "peanuts" etc. 

There was nothing other than anictdotal evidence. Something I had expected more from Horizon. The vast increase in allergies has been in the last 30 years  in the indutrialised nations and our exposure to many of the bacteria was limited and no change. While the increase is due to a a change in our inviroment, that must also include our diet. How it is produced, the ingredients our consumption. Our ebviromemt also includes activity, pollution and the materials used in transport (public, and private). All in all this programme simplified the problem and came to a dubious conclusion based on limited analysis.

Sceptical me.

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