Saturday 15 February 2020

Why do people appear more selfish these days.

I've noticed that many people appear to be more selfish these days than when I was younger. Especially in London and comparing the 1970s (when I first started working in London) with 2020.

This is apparent from boarding public transport, to shopping, work and even just walking.

Boarding a bus there would be a sense of "fair play". Disabled and pregnant people would be given priority without the need for a sign, without someone having to point out the situation. Ignorant arseholes, either pretend not to notice, or so wrapped up in their mobile phone that the world outside them doesn't matter/exist.

Also boarding a bus people would queue, and where queue was not possible, they would board in the order they arrived. Even if the bus was empty and there was no doubt that everyone would get on, the person that was there first had earned the right to be able to select the best seat for themselves. Today you can be barged aside by otherwise respectable looking people for no other reason than they want to be first.

Is it fear of missing out or, I'm all right Jack?

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