Friday 30 October 2009

Is internet piracy is problem that cannot be ignored?

The music industry claims they have lost £200m in the UK. The UK Government’s proposal to make the ISP police their users will cost £365m. OK so not all piracy is music. How do they calculate the £200m? Well they assume that every download is a lost sale. Not true as much is down loaded just to try and deleted. If it is all downloaded and kept – how often is it played? People that accumulated vast libraries would need to burn hundreds of DVD or purchase massive hard drives. Down loading files takes time and file away catalogue etc. Now with Spotify and other services you can try most music for free. You can play it any time and as often as you like and managing the library is someone else’s problem. Where music has gone maybe TV and films will follow.

Making ISP’s responsible is like asking them to become a form of censor on your activities. Why not making the council responsible for preventing muggers using the streets? Or make public transport responsible for shoplifters getting to the shops?

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